Nathan, Tim and I went to Elevenmile today to work stuff at the couch boulder. I got to one move before the lip on the center line but fell, however I do not think the topout would have been doable anyway due to ice. Today was the first day that I actually thought that the problem might be easier than the last time I tried it. Looks to be about V9.
The better news is that I was able to complete the left line on the couch boulder, establishing the blocks first line. I am calling it 'Where the Wild Things Aren't" and it felt to be about V7 or V8. This is my first really high quality FA in a month or so and it felt good to stand on top of something new. Here are some photos of Tim and Nathan working the moves.

dry for sat or sun? more storm systems driving me crazy
weekend looks bad in the so co
I don't remember receiving your application to name this problem "Where the Wild Things Are." Let me double check... Nope, name denied, try again.
thats cool. i actually like max krimmer's misinterpretation of the name "where the wild things arnt" better anyway.
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