Since it was everyone but my first time to Hueco Tanks, we toured all of the classic stuff in the first couple days. I had not climbed in two weeks and both my knee and pinkie were usable for the first time in a while, which was very exciting for me. My trip consisted of repeating a lot of classics I had already done and trying a lot of the cool hard lines I have always looked at. I got on Right Martini, Chablanke, Diaphanous Sea, Power of Landjager, Full Monty and Dark Age all for the first time. I did not send any of them but it felt good to get on hard climbs again and make progress on them. Below is me on Baby Martini. I have done the line before but fell matching the finishing jug on this trip at the end of the day. Shortly after this my camera ran out of battery and I was not able to get any more photos.

great your knee is feeling better... that's definitely something that could plage you longer than the pinky... be careful and watch the moves you use it on goes without saying... word
What did you think of Power of Landjager man? Thats the one thing I wanted to get on but didnt...
best problem in the park that i have seen
Damn dude. Hopefully I'll be back in December...
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