Things have been a bit slow recently in terms of climbing for me. I got down south this week to do a little climbing with Dane. I was going to get on the crack, which turns out to be called Conception (5.12, FA John Sherman), but upon arrival got psyched on bouldering. Dane and I wandered around for a while, saw two new boulders I had never seen and a nice wall that could yield a hard 3o to 40 foot sport climb. We also checked out some of the talus boulders that I had previously passed over for more accessible problems and ended up putting some chalk on what will be a cool new compression roof. I did all the moves but was not able to do the hardest move on link and will hopefully return when the weather clears up.
Yesterday, Nathan and I went up to Ute Pass. It had been a while since I had really had a good session at Ute. Nathan and I warmed up on some nice V4's in the Crack in the Woods and then spent some time on Skinned in the Woods. I was able to do this one first go, which felt nice considering it is probably the hardest problem I have topped out for at least two months. Nathan made some really nice progress on it and I will suspect he will return to crush it upon cooler temps. We then walked over to Ships Prow, where I repeated Undercling Traverse and Cool Cuts Direct. As things continued to warm up and we both started to ooze a bit, the decision was made to call the day early and return to the Springs.

Nathan scaling some rock at Crack in the Woods

Some nice fall leaves at the pass

Nathan working Skinned in the Woods
1 comment:
i'd be psyched to check out your proj w/ you this weekend, as well as mine, as well as spotting some other fools and brushing up some obscure stuff i saw.
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