Went up to Squamish on Thursday night for an extended weekend trip. Unforenatly it was rather unproductive but I had a good time none the less so its ok. I went up with Elise and Eli from Portland and on Friday Bret Emma and Chris came up. We tried a lot of good problems, including Defender of the Faith , Jim Carey , Black Hole , The Great Esce , Worm World Low, The Egg, Backseat, and Sesame Street. Bret got a nice send of Sesame Street and I managed to send the Bulb but that was about it. Chris fell off reaching for the top out jug of Worm World Low on his second go and I feel at the same point the next day. Eli did Razorburn, a problem that I am convinced is actually like 3 grades harder tha n anyone calls it and Elise did Trad Killer. Here are a few pictures, and if some footage edits up nicely I will post that later. Unfortenatly it rained on Sunday making climbing difficult and that was followed by a fun 3 hours sitting at the boarder.
Bret tries the first move of Defender of the Faith

Chris sticks the dyno on Defender of the Faith

Eli on Trad Killer

Bret on the Great Escape

Eli on Trad Killer
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